1. Massage Chairs With 2D Rollers
2D Rollers: 2D massage chair rollers move up and down and side to side, and even though they don’t provide a whole lot of pressure, this soothing type of massage might be just what your body needs.
2. Massage Chairs With 3D Rollers
3D Rollers: A 3D massage chair uses rollers that go up and down and side to side plus move in and out to provide deep tissue therapy for those who like a stronger massage experience.
3. Massage Chairs With 4D Rollers
4D Rollers: 4D rollers are almost identical to 3D but they feel smoother with more fluid movements. 4D rollers are capable of more variant motions for the most human-like feel.
4. Massage Chairs With An S-Track Roller System
S-Track Roller System: An S-Track roller system follows the curvature of the spine by moving up and down a roller track that begins at your neck and continues all the way down to the base of your spine, making this the perfect back massage chair.
5. Massage Chairs With An L-Track Roller System
L-Track Roller System: An L-Track roller system not only follows the curvature of your spine, but continues beyond to wrap underneath to your glutes and hamstrings on an L-Shaped track.
6. Massage Chairs With a Dual Track/Split Track System
Dual Track/Split Track: The latest technology in massage chairs is the Dual-Track with the integration of an L-track merged together with an S-Track. Dual tracks have superior stretch capabilities and the best overall coverage.