8 Auto Programs
The Osaki OS-Pro 4D Emperor has 8 automatic massage programs to choose from.
Demo: This program will cycle through briefly all its different massages it has to offer.
Relax: This program utilizes a softer massage to help bring the user into a more relax state where the massage is less aggressive.
Swing: This program will massage the user while rocking in a back and forth movement to create a more calming state of mind and experience.
Stretch: This program will inflate certain regions pinning you to the chair and then proceed to stretch out the body from your legs to your shoulder while getting massaged
Scraping: This program perform a scraping style massage pressing in and releasing in a down and upward motion. This is great to stretch out muscles in isolated areas.
Shiatsu: This program helps to perform a more pinpointed massage along the back. This massage style helps to focus on certain pressure points in the back targeting tense muscles.
Gentle Relief: This program helps to performs a tapping action with tapping.
Rejuvenate: This program utilizes the strong massage styles and aggressively massages the back.