The Kumo has been a game-changer for me. I have suffered from chronic back problems for the past 17 years. A car accident in 2004 left me with 3 herniated discs and 9 bulging discs and my body was best described as being shaped like a lightning bolt. For most of 2005, I could barely walk. It was humbling. Fast forward through the years, and I have tried pretty much any remedy that claimed to provide relief from the constant pain. Some have worked for me (like zero gravity chairs, chiropractics, yoga, and Thai massage) and others, not so much (like chondroitin, acupuncture, Swedish massage, most back-support braces, among others...). However, within 5 minutes of sitting in the Kumo, I realized this one was not like the others. You put your arms and legs into pneumatic sleeves as you sit in this chair. As soon as you turn the machine on, the chair begins to pivot, first into a zero-gravity position as it measures the width of your shoulders and hips, and the length of your legs, arms and back up to the base of your neck. My guess is that the measurements provide enough information for the chair to work with your pressure points and alignment. It "cracked" my back into place almost instantly in the store. But moreover, after about 45 minutes with Thai Massage mode, I had no pain for the next 4 days for the first time in over a decade. It was a no-brainer. After speaking with the owner Tom Walls, delivery was painless also. The best part. When it arrived and was installed, of course, I immediately began using the machine, but I was worried that if I used it too much I was going to somehow hurt myself. So I started out cautiously, using it 15 minutes at a time. But each time I used the chair, not only was the pain still gone, my flexibility continued to increase. Worried about a setback, I kept using the Thai setting and continued to get better and better results. Needless to say, I am back to walking 4 miles regularly, but more importantly, I have very little pain. I can sleep at night. I can stand for long periods. I can walk. Even work has become easier because the constant distraction of always having pain is gone. It has been the best investment of my life. No joke. Try it. It was life-changing for me.