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What are Swedish Massage Chairs? 

As Swedish massage is one of the most popular styles, it is ideal for those who do not get massages often. Swedish massage uses longer massage strokes to warm up the muscles, decrease tension, and gets rid of stiff knots. This massageis great for those with a medium levelof pain tolerance seeking a massage with deep kneading and tapping techniques. 


  • Relieves muscle tension 
  • Increases blood circulation 
  • Reduces stress by promoting relaxation 

  • Improved range of motion 
  • Boosted Immune System
  • Improved Sleep

How Swedish massage is performed in a massage chair: 

Swedish massage is performed in a massage chair with segments of kneading and tapping executed by the rollers throughout the entire session.  

The Master Drive 2.0 uses low-intensity rolling along with kneadingand tapping for an excellent Swedish massage experience. For additional massage chairs with Swedish massage, click HERE!