There are often more specific massage styles seniors should receive and some that should be avoided. When looking for a massage chair, it would be more beneficial for seniors to receive Swedish massage, Yoga massage, Zero Gravity, light stretching, reflexology foot massage, and any other soft or generic session that increases blood circulation. Even with a gentle massage, it is also important for seniors to avoid excessive massage to lessen rubbing or friction against the skin, deep tissue massage, strong calf massage, too much heat, and high intensity massages. In this article we will go over three great massage chair options that are the most inclusive for Senior’s needs.
The three best massage chairs for Seniors would have to be the JPMedics Kumo, the Ogawa Master Drive AI 2.0, and the Daiwa Supreme Hybrid. These chairs are also some of the most popular models we have in The Modern Back’s showroom, which we have dedicated a lot of time to understand. With that being said, we have categorized these chairs according to their best feature that would benefit seniors.
- Best Soothing Massage Chair: JPMedics Kumo
- Best Healthy Massage Chair: Ogawa Master Drive AI 2.0
- Best Massage Chair to Increase Flexibility: Daiwa Supreme Hybrid